Home> Archive> 2019> Volume 9 Number 3 ( Aug. 2019)
IJSSH 2019 Vol.9(3): 63-67 ISSN: 2010-3646
doi: 10.18178/ijssh.2019.V9.992

Professionals and Technicians for Industry 4.0

Elmi Achelia, Indri Juwita Asmara, and Nani Grace Berliana

Abstract—Industry 4.0 is a new era of industrial revolution that is happening all over the world. Changes in a way of production and products builds new structure of labour markets, so that discussion of human resources is one of the concerns in Industry 4.0. Indonesia, with the potential from bonus demographics, needs to anticipate the impacts of changes that will likely occur. Industry 4.0 challenges the competition for advancing the technology and innovation, so that skilled workers with competency will be needed. Human resources, which are closely related to the development of science and technology and innovation, regarded as Human Resources in Science and Technology (HRST), including professionals and technicians. In this article, anticipated impact Industry 4.0 was studied, focused to professionals and technicians in Indonesia. To be able to have a positive impact on the new environment of Industry 4.0, increasing the number of professionals and technicians needs, in line with skills and competencies.

Index Terms—Hrst, professional, technician, industry 4.0, education.

The authors are with Center of Science and Technology Development Studies, Indonesia Institute of Science (LIPI), Indonesia (e-mail: elmiachelia@gmail.com, indri.asmara@gmail.com, nani.grace@gmail.com).


Cite: Elmi Achelia, Indri Juwita Asmara, and Nani Grace Berliana, "Professionals and Technicians for Industry 4.0," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 63-67, 2019.


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