Home> Archive> 2011> Volume 1 Number 2 (Jul. 2011)
IJSSH 2011 Vol.1(2): 138-144 ISSN:2010-3646
DOI: 10.7763/IJSSH.2011.V1.24

The Effects of Social and Educational Environment on Physiological Reactivity to Polygraph at Young Romanian Exposed to Short-term Violent TV Journals

M. Aniţei and M. Chraif

Abstract—This research is focused on highlighting the effects of social and educational environment on physiological reactivity of the young Romanian exposed to short-term violent TV journals. The method: The participants were 103 youngsters, aged between 18 and 24 (m=20.8, S.D.=1.6), 42 males and 61 females, different levels of education, different social levels. The instruments were the followings: 1) The Laffayette Polygraph, LX 4000-Platinum Series; 2) The video stimuli recorded from Romanian TV news from the highest rated TV broadcasting news, scheduled at 17.00 and 19.00 hours (during the afternoon). The results: By applying Mann U nonparametric test for independent experimental groups, the hypotheses regarding the statistically significant differences between the GSR (p<0.05), respiration rate (p<0.05) and the heart rate (p<0.05) during the exposure to TV news involving blood and aggression have been confirmed. The findings provide evidence that young growing and living in violent and aggressive environment (theft, robber, burgles) with low level of education tent to be desensitized and to consider violence, theft, robber and homicide as being normal environment. Young growing and living in secure environment and higher education level overreact to theft, robber, burglar and homicide live TV news because they cannot adapt to violent environment on short-term exposure.

Index Terms—Desensitization, Emotional reactivity, GSR, Social environment.


Cite: M. Aniţei and M. Chraif, "The Effects of Social and Educational Environment on Physiological Reactivity to Polygraph at Young Romanian Exposed to Short-term Violent TV Journals," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 138-144, 2011.


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