Home> Archive> 2013> Volume 3 Number 1 (Jan. 2013)
IJSSH 2013 Vol.3(1): 13-16 ISSN: 2010-3646
DOI: 10.7763/IJSSH.2013.V3.183

Gender-Based Violence in Central African Republic

Moga–Kpely Aurelie-Clemence and Yang Zewei

Abstract—Gender-based violence has been defined as all forms of violence against women1 and is almost and commonly culturally rooted. According to a study conducted by Mercy Corps in June-July 2009 on the matter in Central African Republic, men as well as most of women tacitly accept the hegemony of men. This unfortunately leads to all kinds of abuses that put women under pressure and servitude. As result, women are morally, psychologically and physically affected throughout their lives, from the cradle to the grave, and totally kept away from contributing to the economic livelihood of their families. Our research aims at drawing attentions on the need to promote in all the country women's rights and gender equality as keys to prevent violence. It depicts reasons of women’s behindhand as first cultural, with the ambiguity of central African people’s approach to good and bad punishment. It then found that the perpetuation of women’s lower condition is educational because of an outdated or a lack of girls’ education policy. Consequently the study suggests a door-to-door sensitization of all central African social strata, the promotion of girls’ schooling and the strengthening of women protection laws.

Index Terms—Culture, gender-based violence, human rights, women.

Moga–Kpely Aurelie-Clemence is with International Law at Wuhan University of China (e-mail:hflantrmsky@ gmail.com) 1 Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1993 2 Gender mainstreaming in the strategy paper poverty reduction 3 Adoption in 2005 of a national policy document on fairness and equality in access to training, employment and occupation.


Cite:Moga–Kpely Aurelie-Clemence and Yang Zewei, "Gender-Based Violence in Central African Republic," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 13-16, 2013.


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