Home> Archive> 2015> Volume 5 Number 9 (Sep. 2015)
IJSSH 2015 Vol.5(9): 779-782 ISSN: 2010-3646
DOI: 10.7763/IJSSH.2015.V5.555

Cultural Integration of Kazakhstan: Challenges and Opportunities

Sadykova Galiya, Narbekova Gulnar, and Smagulova Zaure

Abstract—This paper deals with the cultural integration trends in Kazakhstan and the role of nomadic culture in the current development of the country. In the environment of globalization and related to it integration process Kazakh culture as a part of the world culture is currently considered to be the distinctness of the country with its policy, socio-economic system, moral, creative and artistic heritage and potential. The paper illustrates empirical data of an opinion poll held by the authors in different regions of Kazakhstan and abroad among the locals and culture experts. The results of the research afford conclusion that the time has come to use cultural potential of Kazakhstan as a factor of modernization of the country not only in its political and economic strengthening, but also in preservation of cultural sovereignty and spiritual growth of the people as the basis for formation of cultural identity and national unity.

Index Terms—Integration, Kazakh culture, modernization, nomadism.

The authors are with the Kazakh Research Institute of Culture under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan (e-mail: ikpi.kz@mail.ru, g.narbekova@mail.ru, arclion@mail.ru).


Cite: Sadykova Galiya, Narbekova Gulnar, and Smagulova Zaure, " Cultural Integration of Kazakhstan: Challenges and Opportunities," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 5, no. 9, pp. 779-782, 2015.


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