Home> Archive> 2016> Volume 6 Number 2 (Feb. 2016)
IJSSH 2016 Vol.6(2): 141-144 ISSN: 2010-3646
DOI: 10.7763/IJSSH.2016.V6.633

An Analysis of a Work Composed in Rhythm with 9/4 Scale as an Example of the Relationships the Style and Aruz Prosody in the Poems of Turkish Literature

Oguz Karakaya

Abstract—The poems of Classical Turkish Literature written to be composed were formed with numerous aruz pieces as part of its characteristics. The diversity of those pieces determines the length of written poems, the quantity of words, the syllables that form the words, and vowels or consonants at the end of the words. If a poem to be composed is written in any aruz piece, as a result of this, a rhythmic structure in accordance that piece should be previously. In Classical Turkish Music, this rhythmic structure was considered within the concept of tempo. When the composers deal with a classical poem written in aruz prosody, they determined a tempo according to that aruz piece and then they also determined a mode/tone in accordance with the meaning of the poem and they composed their works within this frame. In this study, a piece of work in the form of Ağır Aksak tempo with 9/4 scale which is mostly preferred for composing the poems written in the aruz form of “Fâ i lâ tün, Fâ i lâ tün, Fâ i lâ tün, Fâ i lün” in Classical Turkish Literature. As a result, there is a big coherence between the lyrics and composition of the poems written to be composed in Classical Turkish Literature.

Index Terms—Classical Turkish music, aruz prosody, techniques for composing.

Oguz Karakaya is with Traditional Turkish Music Department of Dilek Sabanci State Conservatory of Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey (e-mail: oguzkarakaya1@gmail.com).


Cite: Oguz Karakaya, " An Analysis of a Work Composed in Rhythm with 9/4 Scale as an Example of the Relationships the Style and Aruz Prosody in the Poems of Turkish Literature," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 141-144, 2016.


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