Home> Archive> 2016> Volume 6 Number 11 (Nov. 2016)
IJSSH 2016 Vol.6(11): 892-895 ISSN: 2010-3646
doi: 10.18178/ijssh.2016.V6.767

Strategies Against Human Trafficking: The Role of Education In Jeneponto District, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Rahmatia Yunus, Seniwati, Amanus Khalifafilardy Yunus, and Munawwarah S. Mubarak

Abstract—This paper focuses on the Indonesian strategies in fighting human trafficking. Indonesian migrant domestic workers are one of the highest rates of undocumented labor migration. Moreover, they also do not have skill. Therefore they are vulnerable to labor exploitation and human rights abuses. The type of work of Indonesian workers that were trafficked such as domestic service, sex work, shop keeping, waitressing, dancing and factory work. Trafficking in person both domestically and transnationally in Indonesia is an issue of concern across Indonesia’s 33 provinces. South Sulawesi province also has been identified as a trafficking issue within Indonesia. Research questions namely 1) what can average person do to help to fight this crime?, 2) how can we better educate potential victims of human trafficking?. This research uses qualitative method. This method is to analysis and collects data to support the content of analysis. This research conducted in Jeneponto district, South Sulawesi Province. In beating human traffickers, education and knowledge of trafficking in person among all members of society is one of strategy. As a researcher, we try to raise awareness about the nature, causes and damage to victims. Therefore, cooperation between government, civil society, the press, and private companies in promoting knowledge of countering human trafficking are needed.

Index Terms—Education and knowledge, human trafficking, labor exploitation, migrant domestic workers, south Sulawesi province.

The authors are with the Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia (e-mail: rahmatiayunus@gmail.com, seniwati_2006@yahoo.co.id, orfilakfy@gmail.com, orfilakfy@gmail.com).


Cite: Rahmatia Yunus, Seniwati, Amanus Khalifafilardy Yunus, and Munawwarah S. Mubarak, "Strategies Against Human Trafficking: The Role of Education In Jeneponto District, South Sulawesi, Indonesia," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 6, no. 11, pp. 892-895, 2016.


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