Home> Archive> 2017> Volume 7 Number 4 (April. 2017)
IJSSH 2017 Vol.7(4): 243-247 ISSN: 2010-3646
doi: 10.18178/ijssh.2017.V7.828

Nahome Game as the Solution for Child Sexual Crime

Citra A. Sari, Khoirunnisa Azahra, and Dina Y. Asra

Abstract—The case of child sexual crime in Indonesia is increasing. It is very dangerous and it will influence the victims wholly; including the physiological, mental, academics, sociability, and their future because they and have to face what is actually not should be faced in their age. It also influences children as the young generation of the nation, and there should be preventive solution to decrease this case in Indonesia. This paper uses descriptive method, starts from collecting data based on literature study especially about child sexual crime in Indonesia, descriptive analysis about the causative factors, and the discussion about the solution in the form of educative and preventive game. Based on common observation, children will have more fun by doing games and something like cheerful activities. We finally found that a game can be one of the media to overcome the child sexual crime, and Nahome Game is the right solution for it. Nahome Game is application game which has advantages for educating children how to face and refuse the strangers who treat them smoothly which is actually to avoid the bad intention of the child sexual perpetrators. The children will be taught about rescuing themselves from strangers they meet everywhere with this Nahome (Find Way Home) Game. It contains song, colorful media, but deep meaning to stay away from perpetrators of children sexual crime. The result expected is the declining of child sexual crime in Indonesia and can be implemented to elementary school students.

Index Terms—Child, game, perpetrators, sexual crime.

Citra A. Sari, Khoirunnisa Azahra, and Dina Y. Asra are with the Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia (e-mail: citraatrins@gmail.com, khoirunnisaazahra262@gmail.com;dinayauma@apps.ipb.ac.id).


Cite: Citra A. Sari, Khoirunnisa Azahra, and Dina Y. Asra, "Nahome Game as the Solution for Child Sexual Crime," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 243-247, 2017.


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