Abstract—According to the annual survey results projections
by National Bureau of Statistics; the total migrant workers in
2012 amounted to 262.61 million, which refers to an increase of
9.83 million compared with the previous year with increase
percentage by 3.9%. This paper examines the working
condition of rural migrant workers in china and the challenges
faced by them. It describes the improvement and increase in the
number of migrants, from around 30million in 1989 to 262.61
million in 2012. Using the data from various sources, this paper
reviews briefly on the deprivation of various rights of ruralurban
migrant form policy perspective in different aspects,
such as employment, low wages, the problems of wage arrears,
the lack of written contracts, the long working hours, the short
weekly rest periods, the low social security coverage, the poor
housing conditions, and the difficulties they face in accessing
public services.
Index Terms—Rural migrants, China, working conditions,
Gourida Siham is with the Nanchang University- School of Economic and
Management, China (e-mail: siham.hamadat@yahoo.com).
Cite: Gourida Siham, " Rural-Urban Migrants Workers in China
Evaluation Study of Labor Market Conditions in China," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 134-138, 2015.