Abstract—Anger and anger regulation problems that result in aggressive behavior pose a serious problem for society. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the relationship between anger and aggression among drug-dependent males. Besides, this study also aims to investigate the differences between anger and aggression based on marital status and ethnicity. A total of 184 drug-dependent males from a drug rehabilitation center were involved in this study. The drug-dependent males were randomly selected to answer the questionnaire. The Novaco Anger Scale (NAS) was used to measure anger and anger regulation, while the Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) was used to measure aggression. Data were analyzed using Pearson's correlation, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The results revealed that there was a positive relationship between anger and aggression. There was also a negative relationship between anger regulation and aggression. Next, a negative relationship existed between anger regulation and anger aggression subscale, physical aggression subscale and hostility aggression subscale. In addition, there were significant differences in anger aggression and physical aggression subscales between married and unmarried drug-dependents. Nevertheless, there were no differences in anger, anger regulation, aggression, and the four subscales of aggression- anger aggression, physical aggression, hostility aggression and verbal aggression among ethnic groups. The implication of this study will be discussed further.
Index Terms—Anger, aggression, drugs dependent, drug rehabilitation center.
Norzihan Ayub, Patricia Joseph Kimong, and Puteri Hayati Megat are with the Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia (e-mail: norzihan@ums.edu.my, patricia@ums.edu.my, puteri@ums.edu.my).
Cite: Norzihan Ayub, Patricia Joseph Kimong, and Puteri Hayati Megat Ahmad, "The Relationship Between Anger and Aggression among Drug-Dependent Males," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 51-56, 2020.
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