Abstract—The skill of reading is crucial in order to advance in society. However, for about a tenth of children, learning to read can demand from them more considerable efforts. Having considerable reading problems or dyslexia interferes with learning and academic success. Aside from phonological difficulties, reading problems have been linked to attention deficits, such as auditory and visual spatial attention. This research attempts to assess attention of a select group of children with and without reading problems as indicated by ear advantage results in the dichotic listening tasks. Results show that normal readers have a relatively stable baseline REA and in the ViDiLi Non-forced dichotic listening task; however, their ear advantage can be affected by explicit instructions to focus on a particular ear during dichotic listening, as indicated by a visually-guided dichotic listening task. On other hand, children with reading problems exhibit unstable ear advantage in all three dichotic listening activities. The greater variability in the ear advantages reported by the reading problem group in the bimodal tasks may indicate the influence of visual cues in their ability to switch attention.
Index Terms—Attention, ear advantage, children with reading problems.
R. M. Ramos is with the University of Santo Tomas, Espana Blvd, Manila, Philippines (e-mail: roann.ramos@gmail.com).
Cite:Roann Munoz Ramos, "Manipulation of Attention in Children with Reading," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 282-286, 2013.