Abstract—Since the invention of cinematography, scenes of
battles have fascinated directors and have become an important
element of film art. Over the years, the British film industry has
developed a rich repertoire of conventions to present warfare.
Moreover, the military history of this country is regarded as an
inexhaustible source of inspiration which can be converted into
a countless number of screenplays. In recent years, it has been
argued that a transformation in the paradigm of presenting war
in comparison with the times of the Great World Wars has
appeared. The phenomenon is called militainment. To propose
a precise definition of this term proves to be problematic. It is
commonly used to describe the presentation of military
elements in popular culture and the ways in which
contemporary media depict war drama as a fascinating and
entertaining spectacle. It seems crucial to describe factors
which may have led to the appearance and development of
militainment in the context of film studies. Consequently, the
aim of this paper is to provide a forum for discussing how
militainment has influenced the presentation of war in films
that were produced in the United Kingdom.
Index Terms—British cinema, militainment, popular culture,
war films.
O. Bogdańska is with the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in the
Humanities within the Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Lodz,
Poland (e-mail: olgabogdanska@ gmail.com).
Cite: Olga Bogdańska, " Militainment in British Cinema: Analysis Based on
Selected Film Productions," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 288-292, 2014.