
Prof. Paul Sudnik

Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany

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Home> Archive> 2014> Volume 4 Number 4 (Jul. 2014)
IJSSH 2014 Vol.4(4): 298-302 ISSN: 2010-3646
DOI: 10.7763/IJSSH.2014.V4.367

Reflexive Documentary; Ternary Challenges of Production Process, Audience and Self-Consciousness

Arash Goodarzi and Mohammad Hossein Tamjidi

Abstract—Studying filmmaking techniques is one of the ways which is applied to study representation of filmmaker’s subjectivity in documentary films. The authors of this article opt to concentrate on studying “revelation of production process” to answer the question: Can we recognize the “revelation of production process” as a method in which to make audience self-conscious about the constructive role of filmmaker’s subjectivity in Reflexive Documentary? Therefore, two documentary films, Tehran Has No More Pomegranates (2005) and Roger and Me (1989) were studied in this respect. Our research methodology was based on deep interview. Consequently several scholars were chosen to be interviewed. They were asked to define the relation between revelation of production process and presenting self-consciousness to audience. Analyzing of our findings showed that there is not a simple relation between them. This led us to concentrates on studying complexities between presenting self-consciousness and reflexing the production process in reflexive documentary films.

Index Terms—Reflexive documentary, presenting selfconsciousness, revelation of production process, being accidental, subjectivity.

Arash Goodarzi is with the Mohammad Hossein Tamjidi Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting University, Iran (e-mail: goodarzi.arash@gmail.com).


Cite: Arash Goodarzi and Mohammad Hossein Tamjidi, " Reflexive Documentary; Ternary Challenges of Production Process, Audience and Self-Consciousness," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 298-302, 2014.


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