Abstract—This paper sets out to re-examine the impact of
global television on the behavior of youths in Nigeria. The
paper identifies cultural imperialism as the most significant
impact of global television achieved through programs like
sports, drama, musicals, and violent movies transmitted to
Nigeria and other third world nations. These programs are
transmitted under the guise of informative, educational and
entertainment programs while the Nigerian youths are the
most affected victims. Through careful analysis of previous
researches and literatures, this paper posits that Nigerian
youths are caught between the dilemma of the foreign cultures
and their indigenous cultures in terms of dress codes, speech,
dance and the general ideologies. This paper concludes that
aggressive cultural communication and government’s
programs targeted at youths at all levels are one of the
suggestions that can help tame the cultural dilemma among
the youth.
Index Terms—Cultural dilemma, cultural promotion, global
television, Nigerian youth.
Stanislaus Iyorza is with the Department of Theatre and Media Studies,
University of Calabar, Nigeria, West Africa (e-mail: stamorji@yahoo.com).
Cite: Stanislaus Iyorza, " Global Television and Cultural Promotion: Taming the
Cultural Dilemma among Nigerian Youths," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 308-310, 2014.