Abstract—Everyday face-to-face interaction is the domain of
unquenchable interest for microsociologists. However recent
changes in sociological theory (e.g. “material turn”,
actor-network theory development) led to some
reconceptualisations of the very notion of interaction. The
concept of face-to-face relationship is broadened and includes
now communication with toys and other “existential objects”.
What role such animated objects play in assembling and
reassembling social interaction? What is emotional dimension
of human-toy-communication? And what theoretical language
should we chose to talk about toys in non-trivial sociological
way? In this brief article I will try to answer these questions.
Index Terms—Toys, frame analysis, microsociology,
transposition, affordance, inscription, emotional investment.
Victor Vakhshtayn is with the Russian Presidential Academy of National
Economy and Public Administration (e-mail: sociology@universitas.ru).
Cite: Victor Vakhshtayn, " On Microsociology of Toys: Material Turn and
Non-Symbolic Interactionism," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 416-420, 2014.