Abstract—Thai Traditional Midwives who practiced caring
for pregnant women and infants in Thailand will be fade-out
from Thai society but their Thai Traditional Midwives wisdom
is still dominant in contemporary times and are perpetuated by
closed female family relatives. The purpose of this study were to
study and collect the local wisdom of Thai Traditional Midwives
in Thailand. A qualitative research design was used. Eight Thai
Traditional Midwives were interviewed. Data from in-depth
interviews was analyzed by the process of manifest content
analysis. The finding have shown that two thematic meanings of
experiences of folk medical Thai midwifery wisdom in Thailand
emerged from the data. They were “Belief in caring mothers
and infants” and “Thai midwifery ceremonies”. The first theme
was represented by two categories: “a religious ceremonies”
and “regarding to holy objects and spirits. The second theme
was represented by Thai midwifery in antenatal period
ceremonies and postnatal period ceremonies. The majority of
Thai mothers who adhered to traditional postpartum practices
were able to relate the notion of regaining heat and herbs. The
belief of Traditional midwives is strongly influenced by
Buddhism, Brahmanism and Spirits. Their belief can influence
childbirth and human life. This reflects a deep understanding
and integration of Buddhist doctrine in the client.
Index Terms—Thai traditional midwife, self caring, mothers
and infants.
Angsinee Kansukcharearn is with the Prachomklao College of Nursing,
Thailand (e-mail: ang_sinee@yahoo.com).
Cite: Angsinee Kansukcharearn, " Thai Traditional Midwives (Moh Tum Yae) in Caring for
Mothers and Infants, in Petchaburi Province, Thailand:
Case Studies," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 435-438, 2014.