Abstract—Technology is advancing rapidly and the human
being wants to make their life easier and more practical. One of
the examples of the recent innovations is the format change of
magazine format from printed form to digital form. This
transition could pose problem to the audience, especially those
who has a limited experience with electronic tablet technology.
In our case, we specify the audience as Indonesian women.
Femina is one of the first women’s magazines in Indonesia and
recently, they launched the digital format of their magazine. In
this work, we performed a study of the factors that could affect
the readiness of the Indonesian women with respect to the
transition from printed to digital format of the magazine. From
the result that we obtained, the correspondents are willing to
move from printed to digital format. However technological
barrier, culture, and habit are still remains the main issue for
such a transition. Hence the need good in user interface so they
feel comfortable to move to digital magazine. Thus, more
research effort should be focused in this direction in the future.
Index Terms—Digital magazine, Indonesian women,
technology transition, women magazine, user interface.
Ariani Wardhani is with the Mercu Buana University, Indonesia (e-mail:
Cite: Ariani Kusumo Wardhani, Setiawan Sabana, and Ira Adriati, " Readiness Study of Indonesian Women with Respect to
the Transition from Printed to Digital Magazine," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 50-53, 2015.