Abstract—The data of the present article was collected
through a randomly classified data collection process and
Labovian sociolinguistic interviews; the data, then, was
analyzed through the Pearson Chi square method by means of
SPSS. The data was described through cross tabulations and
diagrams as well. In addition, the multivariate log linear has
been conducted to determine which of the independent variables
under study affects the use of vowel harmony more than the
other, the gender or style. A total of 47 informants were
interviewed: there are two groups of informants, 27 I.R.I.B.
employees (15 male and 12 female) and 20 university students
(10 male and 10 female). The subjects' speech has also been
examined in different styles (Free Speech, Reading Sentences,
Fast Word Reading and Slow Word Reading). The hypothesis of
the present survey research is that there is a significant
difference between and among different groups of informants'
accents regarding their use of vowel harmony. The results of the
study shows that female people tend to use more formal and
more prestige variants than male ones leading to a change in
language in general (and in the use of vowel harmony in
Index Terms—Gender, vowel harmony, extra linguistic
factors, prestige, formal.
Gender, vowel harmony, extra linguistic
factors, prestige, formal.
Cite: Morad Bagherzadeh Kasmani, " A Sociolinguistic Study of Vowel Harmony in Persian:
People with Different Gender Use of Vowel Harmony
Perspective," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 90-94, 2015.