
Prof. Paul Sudnik

Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Under my editorship the International Journal of Social Science and Humanity will be centered around the idea of new and emerging IT advancements geared towards finding solutions in tackling the problems and challenges that we face in the 21st century.

Home> Archive> 2015> Volume 5 Number 1 (Jan. 2015)
IJSSH 2015 Vol.5(1): 154-156 ISSN: 2010-3646
DOI: 10.7763/IJSSH.2015.V5.444

Ethnofarming Practices among Subanen and Mansaka

Anabelie V. Valdez and Carmelita G. Hansel

Abstract—Ethnofarming practices of some select indigenous groups in Mindanao, was conducted from July 2011 to February 2012. Inquiry on the demographic characteristics and life ways of the study’s population yielded the following information: The study found that the Subanen and the Mansaka farmers have a low level of educational attainment. Most were aged 65 and above and were not able to go to school. Magical, traditional, and factual procedures and techniques figured prominently among the crop farming practices of the Subanen and Mansaka farmers. Factual practices include the following: 1) preparation of the planting materials of cereal grains, 2) soil fertility identification techniques, 3) farming methods, 4) use of fertilizers, 5) land preparation and culture management, 6) planting methods, 7) pests, insects, and disease management, and 8) harvesting and storing. They also bothered with environmental issues and problems.

Index Terms—Ethnofarming, magical, traditional, factual, environmental issues.

Anabelie V. Valdez is with the Mindanao State University, Philippines (e-mail: anabelievillavaldez@gmail.com).


Cite: Anabelie V. Valdez and Carmelita G. Hansel, " Ethnofarming Practices among Subanen and Mansaka," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 154-156, 2015.


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