Home> Archive> 2015> Volume 5 Number 10 (Oct. 2015)
IJSSH 2015 Vol.5(10): 827-831 ISSN: 2010-3646
DOI: 10.7763/IJSSH.2015.V5.565

Local Government Service Efficiency: Public Participation Matters

Zikri Muhammad, Tarmiji Masron, and Aziz Abdul Majid

Abstract—The service delivery efficiency by local authorities is one of the key elements in developing the livable cities. The involvement of local communities in measuring the efficiency of service delivery as a primary source of information should be practiced by all local authorities. However, local authorities are more likely to choose only some of the information given by the local community to improve the services delivery efficiency. This may be due to the low-level of involvement by local community for the dissemination of information to local authorities. This scenario will cause a conflict between local authorities and local communities. Local authorities should take into account the local communities view in measuring the service delivery efficiencies to create the livable cities. This study is important to assess the level of community involvement in sustainable urban development process. This study will identify the importance of community involvement in measuring the public service delivery. This study was conducted interviews among 360 respondents in Manjung and Kerian District in Perak. This study found that the level of involvement among the local communities in disseminating information to local authorities is still low.

Index Terms—Local authority, local participation, public governance, service delivery

The Authors are with the Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang Malaysia (e-mail: zikri@usm.my, mmiji@usm.my, amaziz@usm.my ).


Cite: Zikri Muhammad, Tarmiji Masron, and Aziz Abdul Majid, " Local Government Service Efficiency: Public Participation Matters," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 827-831, 2015.


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