Abstract—A proper care for autistic children can potentially cause stress for the mothers. The aim of this study is to find out the correlation between the degree of patience and coping strategies of mothers with autistic children in Putraco Indah Elementary School - Bandung. This research is a correlational study. The variables in this study are degrees of patience (Yusuf, et. al, 2012) and coping strategy (Lazarus, 1984). Data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. The statistical analysis techniques is Rank Spearman correlation. The statistical analysis techniques is Rank Spearman correlation. Subjects were mothers because the mother has a very important role in rearingthe children. The results show rs = 0.437. there is a correlation between patience with coping strategy, the higher level of patience, the more effective coping strategy. The persistent and determine aspect is the highest percentage of patience. From the persistent, sub aspects the discipline is the highest, while thes anticipatory is the highest from the determine.The lowest aspect of patience is resilient, with the lowest percentage is tolerance for frustration. And Coping strategy used by mothers more effectively if use the problem focused coping.
Index Terms—Patience, coping strategy, autism.
The authors are with the Faculty of Psychology, Bandung Islamic University, West Java, Indonesia (e-mail: siti.qodariah@yahoo.co.id, puspitasarizky@gmail.com).
Cite: Siti Qodariah and Nur Rizky Puspitasari, "Correlation between Patience and Coping Strategy of Mothers with Autistic Children," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 919-922, 2016.