Abstract—Market knowledge is one of the most critical resources for a firm’s success in business competition nowadays. A challenging point of managing market knowledge is that many firms fail to acquire, to disseminate, and to integrate market knowledge collected from or by the front-line units (e.g., marketing, sales, customer service) into the general market intelligence systems within the organizational body. The study provides insights to existing literature because it empirically examines how trustworthiness of a source and perceived value of shared common knowledge mediate a relationship between ties, motivation, supportive corporate culture, inter-departmental relationship, and a transfer of knowledge in marketing context. Using structural equation modelling, hypotheses were tested among 153 senior executives and middle-level managers in Thailand.
Index Terms—Corporate culture, inter-departmental relationship, market knowledge transfer, motivation, perceived value of shared common knowledge, personal ties, trustworthiness of a source.
S. Rakthin is with the College of Management, Mahidol University, Bangkok, 10400 Thailand (e-mail: sirisuhk.rak@ mahidol.ac.th).
Cite: Sirisuhk Rakthin, "Assessing Intra-Firm Market Knowledge Transfer: The Mediating Roles of Trustworthiness of Source and Perceived Value of Shared Common Knowledge," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 929-933, 2016.