Abstract—The level of competition in hotel industry is very high. The euphoria of hotel businesses in Bandung, makes the need of human resources escalate as well. Therefore, all hotel must increase their facilities and services so that they are chosen as the main alternative for the customers. The parameter in the succes of giving service is ‘service quality’. This research intended to describe the correlation and contribution of character strengths variable to the employee’s performance. Character strength theory developed by Seligman was employed in this study and Performance theory develop by Chambell. The method used was correlation method, and multi regression technique. It was revealed that there were 5 dominant characters found in the employees. They were integrity, gratitude, fairness and kindness, and those are also called signature strength. Signature strength altogether don’t give significant contribution to performance, character strengths give very small contribution to performance, which means the other is determined by other variables.
Index Terms—Character strength, performance, hotel employees.
D. Sartika and O. Mardiawan are with the Faculty of Psychology, Islamic University Bandung, West Java, Indonesia (e-mail: dsartk@yahoo.com).
Cite: Dewi Sartika and Oki Mardiawan, "The Contribution of Character Strength to the Hotel Industry Employees’ Performance in Bandung," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 958-962, 2016.