Abstract—This paper attempt to analyze the income of women underemployment in Palembang. It discussed the factor those affecting revenue of underemployment in Palembang. The analysis technique used quantitative descriptive analysis. Statistical method used is regression with the dependent variable of income of women underemployment, and independent variable of extra income, husband’s income and number of family members.
The data used in this study were primary data drawn from questionares distributed to underemployment women in the city of Palembang. The variable husband’s income, additional extra income and number of family member partially had a significant effect on income of respondents.
It can be concluded that women underemployment wereable to adapt the conditions more when compare with the underemployed, with variety of reasons, among others: husband's income is more than sufficient to support the famil;y income, with work that is not so heavy women underemployment can keep control of the household activity in Palembang.
Index Terms—Underemployed women, age, extra income, number of family members, husband’s income.
The authors are with the Faculty of Economics, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia (e-mail: yuditz@yahoo.com).
Cite: Bambang B. Soebyakto, Yunisvita, and Ita, "Analysis on Income of Underemployed Women in Palembang South Sumatera," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 975-979, 2016.