Abstract—What are the psychological mechanisms that enable middle school gifted students to accomplish their academic goals? Among many models and theories to understand the ways to promote students’ academic achievement, implicit theories of intelligence is described as a model that students may hold different implicit belief about the nature of intelligence and have been explored to predict low-income students’ academic motivation and achievement. To understand psychological mechanisms that allow low-income gifted students to overcome challenges they face, this study examined beliefs about nature of intelligence and their attitude in school in the context of implicit theories on shaping their attitudes in schools. The results of the study indicated that the multiple regression analysis for predicting attitude in school was found to be statistically significant. The results of this study showed that beliefs about malleable characteristics of intelligence impact their attitudes in school.
Index Terms—Implicit intelligence theory, underachievement, low-income gifted students, school attitudes.
Mihyeon Kim and Jennifer Robins are with the Center for Gifted Education, William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA 23187 USA (e-mail: mxkim3@wm.edu, jhrobins@wm.edu).
Cite: Mihyeon Kim and Jennifer H. Robins, "The Relationship between Low-Income Middle School Gifted Students’ Beliefs about Intelligence and Their Attitudes in School," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 719-722, 2017.