Abstract—This research aims at analyzing (1) the teak roots craftsmen’s adaptation based on experiences, knowledge, and education; and (2) craftsmen’s adaptation to the market anticipation. This study employs descriptive method using qualitative study in the form of case study. In-depth interviews were conducted to ten informants of craftsmen and one key informant as the Leader of organization. The data processing used is descriptive analytical using the principle of triangulation. The research results show that the choice of the adaptation to the environment, in the market anticipation, are very much determined by experiences, knowledge, and education. Craftsmen with limited capital ownership are generally incapable in conducting market anticipation, and the choices are (1) anticipating the market to the buyers with small scale, by higher prices without any long-term relationship so that capital can turn over, (2) anticipating the market to the mid-scale buyers with long-term relationship without seeking the high prices of social relationship that serves as trade partners, and (3) craftsmen that are conduct transaction with big-scale buyers are considered in conducting market anticipation in Bojonegoro regency and its surrounding areas.
Index Terms—Adaptation, craftsmen, teak roots, market anticipation.
Sri Kussujaniatun is with the Department of Economics and Management, Faculty of Economics in University of National Development “Veteran" Yogyakarta, Indonesia (e-mail: sri.kussujaniatun@upnyk.ac.id).
Teguh Kismantoroaji is with the Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture in University of National Development “Veteran" Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Cite: Teguh Kismantoroadji and Sri Kussujaniatun, "Teak Roots Craftsmen’s Adaptation to Market Anticipation in Margomulyo, Bojonegoro, East Java," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 767-771, 2017.